How to Contact Ectomorph

Ectomorph is proud of its designs and of the superb pictures that grace its catalogues. So, for your greater enjoyment we are making them available to you in two or three sizes, thumbnails for whole Collections, then medium (or large) size and finally, for some styles, super-size pictures of single garments so that you can fully appreciate the quality and styling. The images are optimised for computer systems with a 1280 x 1024 pixel display (or better). The computer should be capable of displaying images at this resolution in 'Hi-color' (16 bits per pixel) or 'True-color' (24 bits pre pixel).

Ectomorph is proud to have set new standards by the quality of the images on this site. However, it is appreciated that not everyone has access to equipment that can reproduce these images in their full glory so, for even greater enjoyment why not order the full colour, fine art quality, A4 size printed catalogues by e-mail or from the address below and really appreciate the fine details of the garments in the collections?

Meanwhile, just select the collection you wish to browse and enjoy a feast of styles.

Please note that all images on this site are the copyright of Ectomorph. They are made available solely for your enjoyment and for helping you select garments for purchase. Reproduction, in whatever form, or posting on other web sites is expressly forbidden unless prior permission, in writing, has been obtained. Ectomorph will pursue any infringement of its copyright with the utmost vigour to the full extent of the law

For further information, help and advice or to place an order please contact our Sales Office on +44 (0) 207 263 7729 by 'phone or fax on this number, or Krystina's mobile 0790 507 5435, or e-mail, or write to


18 Blythwood Road

London, N4 4EU


Please e-mail us with any enquiries.

If you'd like to be added to our mailing list, just send an e-mail and we will add you to the list so that you receive the earliest possible notice of new styles and special offers. We will never disclose your email address to anyone else.

If, for the quickest possible response, you would like to place your order by e-mail, please click this link to go directly to the order form.